Living in Los Angeles for years and spending much time driving though many diverse areas of that city, I became drawn to houses and commercial buildings that were temporarily draped in canvas cloth for the purpose of insect fumigation. 

Covered Houses, as I refer to them, appear for only 24-36 hrs. For me, they hold many associations and are a source of excitement and fascination. Brightly stripped canvases are often reminiscent of circus tents of my youth. A few are like discovering a large urban sculpture in a neighborhood for a day; different from, but similar to, Christo’s temporarily wrapped buildings and landscapes. Some coverings are humorous, some intrusive, others - simply beautiful.

I visually explore these evocative environments with my camera when I have the good fortune to come upon one. The concealed structure becomes a framework for a different expression of form. These transformations encourage new ways of seeing what otherwise passes for a purely functional purpose of exterminating  bugs.